The Joys of Life

5 joyful things today!

  1. My dog, my cutest dog. He follows me wherever I go. Sometimes it annoys me, other times it delights me. He cares about me and loves me so much that he follows me wherever I go.
  2. Bed bath and beyond. I enjoy looking at nice thing even if I don’t buy anything. When I will be rich… I will get a new set of dishes and more decorative things for my house. The thing is though, I enjoy being a so called “minimialist”. So do I actually want stuff, or do I want just what brings me joy. Whats if stuff bring me joy? How do I know if something new brings me joy, before I brought it home? These are thoughts I ponder. For now, I enjoyed just strolling the store and admiring nice things.
  3. Right now, I am sitting at home, dishes washed, listening to music, and inhaling essential oil smells. This is the definition of joy to me.
  4. At the pharmacy today, I saw a scrubbing soap which delighted me. Usually being on the cheap side, I didn’t want to buy it at first. However, lately I am learning how to spend more money on myself in regards to luxuries rather than just essentials. I am proud of myself that I was able to do that today.
  5. Yoga. Oh the joys of yoga. And the joys of yoga when your pet takes over your mat 😉 nothing like it. Why does yoga connect me so? It just does. That’s the plain and simple truth of it. Yoga is so joyful for me. It can make me dance for years. Come to think of it, I think my body wants some movement now. The joys. The joys of life.

What is joy for you, my friend?

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